
Sup guys. So... as yalls new Community Manager my goal is to be a mouthpiece between both staff and players. I’m aware there’s a lack of transparency going both ways I hope to change this.
Recently, I’ve been made aware a very large change that was being kept silent - but I’ve been given permission to ask yalls opinions. Cus this seems pretty big to just do. I have pulled together a few ideas and I would like to see which y’all prefer.
Plan A: The devs are planning on removing TMDC. In turn, TMDPVP will attempt to maintain a balance between realism and competitive PVP. I know how difficult this will be, and as someone who enjoys low-loot pvp, this irked me and encouraged me to make this poll. Here are other options.
Plan B: Revamp both TMDC and TMDPVP to further split their metas and make them obviously different. I need you guys to tell me what you would suggest. Perhaps PVP would have less loot to become more challenging and C would be more OP. I want your voices to be heard. TMDPVE would receive updates to become more roleplay based - adding a /role with set roles you could chose from. The PVE changes wouldn’t necessarily be excluded from Plan A, but I decided to list them here.
Plan C: no changes, or minor changes... ones you would suggest.
In addition to this, another idea has been presented. Weapon balancing. This would involve a large change, new to TMD. Low tier weapons would be buffed to be more viable, and higher tiers may be knocked down a notch (or low tiers would be buffed to be just as viable) so ALL guns become viable, allowing a diverse PvP meta, and possibly removing the current Tier 1, Tier 2 etc system. Melees may be nerfed as a result.
So what do y’all think? Which plan do you guys prefer most? A, B, or C? Do you agree with the possible weapon revamp? What suggestions do you have along side the ones above? Let your voice be heard.
My Discord DMs are always open. #Chlnge0001.
Recently, I’ve been made aware a very large change that was being kept silent - but I’ve been given permission to ask yalls opinions. Cus this seems pretty big to just do. I have pulled together a few ideas and I would like to see which y’all prefer.
Plan A: The devs are planning on removing TMDC. In turn, TMDPVP will attempt to maintain a balance between realism and competitive PVP. I know how difficult this will be, and as someone who enjoys low-loot pvp, this irked me and encouraged me to make this poll. Here are other options.
Plan B: Revamp both TMDC and TMDPVP to further split their metas and make them obviously different. I need you guys to tell me what you would suggest. Perhaps PVP would have less loot to become more challenging and C would be more OP. I want your voices to be heard. TMDPVE would receive updates to become more roleplay based - adding a /role with set roles you could chose from. The PVE changes wouldn’t necessarily be excluded from Plan A, but I decided to list them here.
Plan C: no changes, or minor changes... ones you would suggest.
In addition to this, another idea has been presented. Weapon balancing. This would involve a large change, new to TMD. Low tier weapons would be buffed to be more viable, and higher tiers may be knocked down a notch (or low tiers would be buffed to be just as viable) so ALL guns become viable, allowing a diverse PvP meta, and possibly removing the current Tier 1, Tier 2 etc system. Melees may be nerfed as a result.
So what do y’all think? Which plan do you guys prefer most? A, B, or C? Do you agree with the possible weapon revamp? What suggestions do you have along side the ones above? Let your voice be heard.
My Discord DMs are always open. #Chlnge0001.