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  • HavocMC EULA Update

    Guardianblade Guardianblade
    IDK if i am happy because of the update or sad, the update have it's positives but also negatives :I


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    Look this update will be nice for OGs. It will make people know if someones a OG or not and it will give some of them advantages.

    That's partially true. Those people with the "special prefix" as @Jacobg1998 called it, will basically be able to be identified with ease as people that held rank prior to May 13 2018, though I doubt that will be very much of a divider for a long time. now in terms of "giving advantages" the perks of mythical certainly make supplying and travel easier, though im living proof it is no help in combat XD. I can only kill players that are not expecting it.

    So, this is removing the p2w aspect. prays mineplex does the same. If you have a rank with mythical on it, would it technically mean it would be an account worth more money than an account with mythical on it in a year?

    pretty much. come may 13th, only buying mythical accounts from others will give you the rank, and its associated perks. Though I feel obligated to advise strong caution when doing IRL deals.


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    Ok @6pacca an example. Me. I am a mythical. Come May 13th the Mythical prefix will be replaced by a for now classified prefix (such secrecy :p ) I will still have access to all my commands as Mythical I will still have infinite. However people will not be able to attain any of our current ranks ever, after May 13th does that clarify?


    New member
    ... then that means every player with a rank before the update is OG.... logic.
    10/10 logic. That means that even though i started before 2015, im only an OG cause i used to own a rank. That means on May 12th, someone could buy a rank, and then does that magically say how they are an original player?


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    only people with ranks


    HooverVC HooverVC
    Are you able to win Mythical in crates still? Do you get the perks you would get from buying it currently?
    Guardianblade Guardianblade
    So I have an question, after the update there won't be anyway for new players or non-ranked players to get the permissions of the ranks?,
    that will make plugins only usable for og, and og will be overpowered :I,

    also you could let the ranks stay but they won't be sold for real money (hard currency XD), and you can it bought by ingame currency that can't be bought (in this case [skulls]) they must be based on player activity or in the same matter, although this won't make a profit, but will keep the server in spotlight,

    you could do as some other game server makers made; you give whatever you want (ranks crates etc.) not for real money but for making the customer open a url that have ads for certain amount of times (although the most annoying way to get money in the prospective of the domain owner, and the visitor, we can understand why the owners do this way XD),

    OR after the eula enforcement; server advertisement sites (the sites were you can look and search for server, and vote in it for a server so the server get more advertised or in the spotlight) anyways i will stop explain so we get in to the point :p, Server sites could provide apart of there ads revenue to server owners that gets the most votes; Because when you load up the vote page some ads get viewed so when you keep on geting back to vote you will see more and more ads, so i think they should provide a part of there revenue to server owners.

    Feww this took so long to write it, I hope You readed it all and didn't die from boredom XD :p

    _________Anyways thanks for reading, And I hope this will help! :D

    Coming soon (waiting untill the website updates it's database)