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  • The Mining Dead Map and PVP Update


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    this update is not what we all wanted, but can we all agree its a strong first step to rebuilding the server?

    pvp in the "old" days was what made the server strong. the sheer number of people that played it. This update, brings players, which brings money and gives the server room to breathe.

    Right now, if they tried something "new" it could backfire and effectively deal a mortal blow to the server. The pvp system of the old days is a risk free idea. once the server regains a strong base of players, they can focus on other gamemodes play around with ideas for updates. mm return, realism, or hell even a new gamemode. we wont know until we get there. If you've stuck around this long, you obviously have some measure of hope even if it looks grim. But things are looking up now. one step at a time.


    New member
    CravenPython108 CravenPython108
    this update is not what we all wanted, but can we all agree its a strong first step to rebuilding the server?

    pvp in the "old" days was what made the server strong. the sheer number of people that played it. This update, brings players, which brings money and gives the server room to breathe.

    Right now, if they tried something "new" it could backfire and effectively deal a mortal blow to the server. The pvp system of the old days is a risk free idea. once the server regains a strong base of players, they can focus on other gamemodes play around with ideas for updates. mm return, realism, or hell even a new gamemode. we wont know until we get there. If you've stuck around this long, you obviously have some measure of hope even if it looks grim. But things are looking up now. one step at a time.
    Do you think the server can survive without bringing in new players? Most (not all) new guys despise pain pvp, so you're basically turning to the old players in hopes that they come back without making it enjoyable for new guys.


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    Do you think the server can survive without bringing in new players? Most (not all) new guys despise pain pvp, so you're basically turning to the old players in hopes that they come back without making it enjoyable for new guys.

    Old players enjoyed it. We we're at our peak then so new players will join as well. We need a base before we "experiment" with update ideas


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    I don't know if that's a true statement. Just because there's more players doesn't necessarily mean newer ones will stay for a game they don't enjoy as much.

    i agree, im just saying its a small step in the right direction. At least with new players theres are more chances for people to stay.


    Active member
    Rippen Rippen
    Guys, please stop, this isn't about taking sides this is about creating a more enjoyable experience for all and we feel this pvp system was the most enjoyable. We didn't think " let's take the OG's side on it" we just thought what was the most fun when playing. The numbers back when this was the pvp system were significantly higher too so why wouldn't we go back to that system.

    The staff team was also much better then. In the early time you didn't have an entire server filled with ban evaders and cheaters.


    Kanyay Kanyay
    If you're stuck in the jugg-and-pains rut, yes I guess it is. But there's another way to play this game y'all aren't acknowledging. I called it "glass canon" style back when EULA first came out with the cool down meds. It was kill-easy-die-easy. This is the Hardcore style I keep referring to. The way I played it was like this: spawn in with no kit. Throw what the kit gives you away. Random spawn, loot from there. The only stuff you use is from kills and the map. No commands, no safe zones, no shops, no vaults, and lately I was going no walker guts to make it even harder.

    But back to the comment about it being "boring." In this playstyle you get excited to even see a Scar or an M14. If you fight someone, it's do or die. The stuff you have matters. If you lose, it's back to square one which sucks. Every choice you make matters and you have to strategize on the fly. Rush the house or wait outside with the zombies? Risk the open field or take the long route through the woods? Which towns have good stuff and how do you get there? Fights get more electricity and variety than Jugg fights do. Every scenario is different. And it's such a rush if you win while under looted.

    I'm not saying we ignore jugg&pains. That's what TMDC COULD be if it was turned back into TMDOP. But these updates just crap on the people who want a playstyle like Hardcore. You're basically saying our meta just doesn't matter to you.

    "Let's just forget that TMDC exists and resolve all these problems by making TMDPVP more jugg&pains to make the juggies happy. Fix TMDC? Nah. It's already the closest to what they want so they aren't complaining about it." The juggies already have a server. Please don't take ours.
    You would have loved a mod called Daym, unfortunately it’s been basically dead for years now.
    This is what most of us have wanted, change, and you. Have brought change. I thank you for what you have done.


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    seuboi seuboi
    If they're not communicating with us that's on them. We don't have telekinesis.


    There's also an urgent need to bring the server ppl to the forums, otherwise they can't be in touch with how things are going, questions, glitches, updates etc. Otherwise only a minority of forum users will answer for a majority, which is terrible. Make those annoying announcements bring some useful informations. Link the forum's url, reinforce how important things are discussed here etc.