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  • TMD Update Decision v2

    READ THE POST FIRST | What are your thoughts on TMD update

    • I play both equally, I don't want them to merge (Please explain)

      Votes: 0 0.0%

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    Pawndah Pawndah
    Nick. When TMD was NEVER updated and there was NO tmd-1(non-spamming pains) and just TMD-1 through 9 there were SO MANNY PLAYERS online daily. I just say that we just rollback ALL of tmd when it was NON updated. So id just say bring back all the old guns, map, spawn, everything. Spamming pains and everything should be reset to the OLD tmd...


    _Nickk _Nickk
    Nick. When TMD was NEVER updated and there was NO tmd-1(non-spamming pains) and just TMD-1 through 9 there were SO MANNY PLAYERS online daily. I just say that we just rollback ALL of tmd when it was NON updated. So id just say bring back all the old guns, map, spawn, everything. Spamming pains and everything should be reset to the OLD tmd...
    There was never 9 TMDs. I've already said that I've ran TMD for like 4 years, so when you say old, that doesn't mean much.


    seuboi seuboi
    Well I barelly pvp because my lag spikes make it impossible to stand against jumping pain spammers lol. When I did it was more about a survival thing, not war/fun/arena style like in prison/outside safezones.
    I'm a lot more from the former game style, where survivability matters in deep terms, no only having full jugg + g. bar and s*tloads of pains but where stay alive in the wilderness would be quite a challenge. If we could have a dedicated server to a realistic approach then I think it would be nice if we could discuss about it not being only an arcade style (spawn, get killed by a random guy, nothing happens life goes on). I'd love to discuss those stuff if any were interested, that would lead to a new game's mechanic that would get survavibility to its extreme, where social conflicts would go way beyond political bs spammed in /s.

    And tbh, you could merge those pvps, I don't see why someone who is good at one couldn't adapt to the other. If someone relies in spamming healing solely than that's as lame as depending on full top notch stuff lol. I think that would be quite ok for on-purpose wars, pvp arenas/areas, but on regular world-roaming stuff that's pretty bs imho. Wanna stay alive? Sneak in, know where to position, select a weapon accordingly, learn when to shoot.

    Spamming pains+jugger/spas = 10 yo CoD
    Surviving = Real TWD world

    ps. This thread should be announced in all servers so all players could grab a grip on whats going on


    New member
    Couple questions
    1. Will I have all my stuff on tmd-2 will I need to save that?
    2. If the merge what will we have to do to our vaults?
    3. Will there be a cap on infinite (I hope not)?
    Thx to who ever answers this post


    New member
    I know this is out of the discussion, but I know for sure that this idea would be really cool.
    The type of gamemode I would love to see would be factions with guns. Before you judge me, I know for sure that something like this is possible. The basics would probably be your ordinary factions expirience, with the ability to build in the wilderness. You could be able to build bases with basic materials like obsidian and cobblestone, and bases could be raid normally. Infact, the only difference would probably be the ability to use weapons instead of swords when pvping. The only problem is, most of the guns are actual tools in the vanilla minecraft textures, so a new texture pack would be needed.

    It's a big ask and a crazy idea but it would be extremely unique and would attract a lot of new players!


    _Nickk _Nickk
    Well I barelly pvp because my lag spikes make it impossible to stand against jumping pain spammers lol. When I did it was more about a survival thing, not war/fun/arena style like in prison/outside safezones.
    I'm a lot more from the former game style, where survivability matters in deep terms, no only having full jugg + g. bar and s*tloads of pains but where stay alive in the wilderness would be quite a challenge. If we could have a dedicated server to a realistic approach then I think it would be nice if we could discuss about it not being only an arcade style (spawn, get killed by a random guy, nothing happens life goes on). I'd love to discuss those stuff if any were interested, that would lead to a new game's mechanic that would get survavibility to its extreme, where social conflicts would go way beyond political bs spammed in /s.

    And tbh, you could merge those pvps, I don't see why someone who is good at one couldn't adapt to the other. If someone relies in spamming healing solely than that's as lame as depending on full top notch stuff lol. I think that would be quite ok for on-purpose wars, pvp arenas/areas, but on regular world-roaming stuff that's pretty bs imho. Wanna stay alive? Sneak in, know where to position, select a weapon accordingly, learn when to shoot.

    Spamming pains+jugger/spas = 10 yo CoD
    Surviving = Real TWD world

    ps. This thread should be announced in all servers so all players could grab a grip on whats going on
    Been announcing it to the whole network. Will definitely make realism have a hard survival aspect.

    Couple questions
    1. Will I have all my stuff on tmd-2 will I need to save that?
    2. If the merge what will we have to do to our vaults?
    3. Will there be a cap on infinite (I hope not)?
    Thx to who ever answers this post
    1. You will have all of it, you won't need to do anything.
    2. Your vaults will be converted, you don't need to do anything.
    3. Undecided, but I don't think so.


    New member
    JedXD JedXD
    would there be a reset with these two ideas merging? If so will kits and ranks be affected?


    New member
    Nick I have one question why did you even change the server? Were just going back, you messed up so badly but im glad we are going back.


    Montu151 Montu151
    I'm really excited for this, I have been waiting for since it was first announced. I have a few suggestions though. First, we need people like xdeclanlee to post videos showing off the new tmd once it is out. Then old players may return when they see it. Maybe you can reward the people who make these videos, depending on the amount of views? Gives people a motive to advertise. Also, can there be 2 times monthly bonuses for when the new tmd comes out? Because a lot of people wont be used to the change and they may not have inf? Idk, just an idea


    Montu151 Montu151
    you can just bring youre health up too fast
    delay is better
    you do not have to be a donor to get inf, you just have to farm hns or something. Just because they are merged doesn't mean the server is broken. You still can random tp and loot places just fine, or you can go to large jugg wars whatever you chose


    Al_Cool Al_Cool
    I would enjoy playing TMDO-1, TMD-1 and TMD-3; no matter what happen.

    Legendary :I should not take position, because I haven't spend much money on this server yet. I'm sure no matter what, with all the trouble staff take to read our comments, I'm sure the result at the end would be good.

    Realism : Sorry to say but I'm tired arguing about it. Don't know if its _VC_ who mentioned it, we could have more than one game-play on the same server. Like having OP players in big area and average ones on smaller others. Even, if there would be abuse, there would always be fix following. So whenever pick a choice and I'l be happy.

    Merge? : As long as there would be more than one TMD() server, I'l be happy. So Its not a problem either way, for me.

    What I've tried recently was to rejoin a team. With a mate to share the strife, I'm sure we could face almost anything.

    Pain : Pain spamming is uneasy for me but not impossible. The only important point left for me is : Keep Pain updated!! I don't care if they are OP, spam able, or else; as long as they keep being updated through change-log.

    In a few words
    A) I can't wait to try the next update
    B) Legendary, I don't take side
    C) Realism, no longer a problem for me
    D) Merge? Don't care as long as there would be more than 1 servers.
    Minimum for me : TMD-X + TMD-(PVE) + TMD-(PVP) + HN-1 + HN-2
    E) Pain, Do as others like as long as staff keep them updated! Could even have different rules on 2 servers!
    F) About me, the best way to get people back is to cut in the drama, and apply a solution. No mater what, I'm sure we could keep updating the game after the update ;)
    G) About me, for new players, applying the update as soon as possible would be better, because right now there is a lots of contradiction. Where is the tutorial and is the game stable on under upkeep?
    H) Hope we could see 90 players online on the same server, as before. Can't wait to see if there would be 150^^

    Note : Plz no more comment about update related problems as there is many better threads for them!
    Edit : Now That I read my comment, It may content a few frustration. Nothing personal and I don't pretend to know everything.
    saintsebastian saintsebastian
    i would LOVE a tmd realism server!!! half of the time on forums i'm complaining about realism.

    for the realism server, can you make kits super crappy? like donors still get a little bit better but mostly the kits suck.
    maybe for survivors they get a pipe, 1 canned beans, 2 bottles of water
    for donors they get a fire axe, m9, winchester, and some food. (donor kits may vary on rank)


    New member
    I dont want them to merge, it would make it too hard. it doesnt matter if server 2 and 5 are normal the donaters would always be to op.
    There's nothing holding back a non donater from obtaining painkillers. With masses of people hanging out around Berx, there's always a bargin to be made. Also, you can't just spawn in and expect to kill a heavily looted player instantly. You have to kill other fresh spawns or moderately looted players in the beginning to build up your character. Once you have the supplies through spending sufficient time on the server, then you can duel donaters and teams. However, there's nothing stopping a new player from trying to duel a donater, by all mean try it for fun. People do "unarmed" raids all the time on youtube. The problem with this argument is that it can be used against itself for "realism purpose". Realistically, Rick couldn't take on Negan in the beginning because he would lose. He had no guns, no manpower, etc. Now he can because he "built up his character". He looted, recruited ppl, etc. If anything, the old TMD was more realistic than this newer one or whatever the "realism" one will turn out to be. Speaking of this realism server, it's pointless to do if you're merging.....(IMO) More realistic PvP can be easily obtained by just walking away from where ever big teams and donaters hang out. When I used to play PvP, I would never spend much time in Atlanta until I had the supplies to deal with being attacked by a Jugg, teams, etc... The more realsitic PvP in the old TMD was from other moderately looted players in the smaller towns. They were like little scrimmages that happened naturally. PVP doesn't have to be wars all the time.... also many people agree wars were better back then with the spammable pains.


    drewey09 drewey09
    I am not going to vote in the poll, and here's why: Owners, I want to ask you something, the changes you are going to make, are they what you first envisioned your server to become? Are these truly changes you want to make? It is clear that this controversy has not ended so far by doing what the players want, therefore should you keep doing what the players want? None of the past solutions players wanted worked, and I doubt any will. You are in a cycle, and you will keep having to change and change again. This is why I am not voting, because at this point what players want is not fixing things. It just creates more issues.You guys need to break this cycle and do what you think will make things better, and you have to realize that there is no solution for both sides. You have to pick the side you want your server to become. Some players may quit, but that's okay, because you know what you will be left with? You will be left with a playerbase that likes the server you intended to create. I hardly doubt you will take any of this to heart, but just know, you have a vision for what you wanted your server to be.
    Last edited:


    _VC_ _VC_
    I am not going to vote in the poll, and here's why: Owners, I want to ask you something, the changes you are going to make, are they what you first envisioned your server to become? Are these truly changes you want to make? It is clear that this controversy has not ended so far by doing what the players want, therefore should you keep doing what the players want? None of the past solutions players wanted worked, and I doubt any will. You are in a cycle, and you will keep having to change and change again. This is why I am not voting, because at this point what players want is not fixing things. It just creates more issues.You guys need to break this cycle and do what you think will make things better, and you have to realizejrh that there is no solution for both sides. You have to pick the side you want your server to become. Some players may quit, but that's okay, because you know what you will be left with? You will be left with a playerbase that likes the server you intended to create. I hardly doubt you will take any of this to heart, but just know, you have a vision for what you wanted your server to be.
    You know I have a really good idea of certain things Id like to do as a builder when we don't have a project to work on. Little things, like map maintenance and checkups and small detailing, but ever since the duration of me being a builder (almost 2 years I think) I've never had the time or the opportunity to do this. It has literally been non-stop TMD. We had a very popular game that people liked, and we made the mistake of changing it. At the time we thought changes would only help and people seemed to want change. Then changes happened and long story short 2 years later we are going back to where we started. You have to understand that it's nearly impossible to read what you guys want. It's ever changing and contsantly contradicts earlier complaints. People complained that the server wasn't realistic enough, so we spent 7 months completely redoing it, and now people don't want it and our numbers have dropped. It never really makes sense from our point of view. Within the next couple months hopefully the TMD everyone loved will be fully restored and we won't have to make anymore giant changes. Back to business as usual.