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  • HavocMC EULA Update


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    So I have an question, after the update there won't be anyway for new players or non-ranked players to get the permissions of the ranks?,
    that will make plugins only usable for og, and og will be overpowered
    If new players got the perms of the old ranks, then we'd be violating the EULA still, as they give an unfair advantage. However, we're not just gunna take away everyone else's perks, cuz this ain't Communist China. Anyway, the new mystery ranks will have their own set of cool perks that the old fellas wont get ;)
    Guardianblade Guardianblade
    Yeah all the new ranks will do nothing except give you camos or something simmular :D
    It's states the following (
    if the item sold does not give a user an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone
    else on the server. Due to this, you are not allowed to sell the following for hard currency) {https://help.mojang.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1590522-minecraft-commercial-use}
    That means that the following statement follows if it was sold for hard currency (real money) not by ingame achieving or just having the permission, this apply if it was sold for real money


    MichaelSteve MichaelSteve
    If new players got the perms of the old ranks, then we'd be violating the EULA still, as they give an unfair advantage.
    Not really...

    The EULA restrictions only apply to hard currency. Not soft. So you get get ranks for soft currency and for free. Not violating the EULA.


    New member
    Doctress Doctress
    Yom? I haven't played MineHeroes for a long time, but some servers that I know have heavy Pay to Win aspects inside of their game...

    Oh! I remember this one time when Emilia told me in China that she wanted to team up with someone and possibly take TMD down due to EULA stuff...but I guess it never took into effect...(this part is irrelevant, sorry!)

    3 emails from a year ago really aren’t gonna be that effective.


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    Not really...

    The EULA restrictions only apply to hard currency. Not soft. So you get get ranks for soft currency and for free. Not violating the EULA.
    Can we just call it money and credits? This hard and soft currency crap is confusssssssiiiing. :D


    Yoiji Yoiji
    Ok, so you take the time to show us these updates but what about that poll that will basically decide if the server dies or not. It has been 3 weeks since then and still no answer. @Jacobg1998 If you don't have a dev to do the update please get one because this server is dying with this update and idk why it is so difficult to reverse the update back to the one that everyone loved. Please give us a response to when the poll that decides if TMD dies or not will be posted.


    Wobiee Wobiee
    So I have an question, after the update there won't be anyway for new players or non-ranked players to get the permissions of the ranks?,
    After the EULA update is released, you will only be able to purchase the new EULA-compliant ranks. If you want a pre-EULA rank you will need to buy one before May 13th.

    Are you able to win Mythical in crates still? Do you get the perks you would get from buying it currently?
    After the update, you will keep all of its perks except the tag, this will be replaced with a special tag for people who had a rank before the EULA update. As for crates, I'm unsure. I'll check and get back to you.

    Will shop vouchers from the monthly voting competition carry over to post-EULA update shop?
    Shop vouchers will carry over after the EULA update has been released. Keep in mind after the EULA update has come out you will only be able to spend vouchers on EULA-Compliant items.

    So, if you have mythical, your rank wont transfer?
    If you had Mythical before the EULA update, you will keep all of its perks except the tag, this will be replaced with a special tag for people who had a rank before the EULA update.


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    EU La is end-user license agreement. It is implemented by Microsoft, Mojang not really sure which to be honest. Basically they do not like that we "sell their product" in a way that gives some players a distinct advantage over others. Anything that is service cells cannot disproportionately assist some over others. Does that answer your question?
    Hold up what is EULA im lost, I was reading this post and I got confused.


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    Ok, so you take the time to show us these updates but what about that poll that will basically decide if the server dies or not. It has been 3 weeks since then and still no answer. @Jacobg1998 If you don't have a dev to do the update please get one because this server is dying with this update and idk why it is so difficult to reverse the update back to the one that everyone loved. Please give us a response to when the poll that decides if TMD dies or not will be posted.
    Oh. My gosh. Chillax, bud. Smoke some weed, drink some tea, have a bon-bon. The EULA update is gunna change a lot. We're taking it one step at a time. So please. Silencio.

    **I do not actually condone the smokage of any herbal substances**


    UterZorker UterZorker
    If new players got the perms of the old ranks, then we'd be violating the EULA still, as they give an unfair advantage. However, we're not just gunna take away everyone else's perks, cuz this ain't Communist China. Anyway, the new mystery ranks will have their own set of cool perks that the old fellas wont get ;)
    Sorry cat but they wont be cool because if they dont do anything to effect the game itself other than weird skins and effects and that ****.


    New member
    Andycool Andycool
    Oh, you have no idea, my friend... no idea at all. ;)
    Well, we do sort of know anything purchasable won't be nearly as strong as what's currently available, since the ranks are being removed specifically to keep donators from having an unfair advantage. Wouldn't really be eula friendly to start selling ranks even more overpowered than the previous ones.

    So yea, most likely cosmetics, or giving them special prefixes and chat stuff, like Frypixel did for mvp++.


    Ch1ldSupport Ch1ldSupport

    Hello everyone,

    Today I have a few announcements in regards to our future plans for HavocMC. We were recently contacted by Mojang in regards to the Minecraft EULA and will have to make significant changes to both the server shop and the server as a whole in order to meet Mojang's requirements.

    We will be announcing all the specifics to these changes through out the month, but for now all players should know that nothing that is currently in the shop will be available beyond May 13th (aside from TMD Camo Crates & Mine Wars cosmetics.) This includes all of the current Crates and Ranks.

    Once the EULA Update is released on May 13th, all the current shop items will be replaced with new EULA compliant shop items, including new ranks with cosmetic perks. Keep in mind, any players who have any perks before the update will keep these perks. For example, if you currently have Mythical, you will never lose the perks you currently have. Players with rank currently will also be given a special prefix after the update that will never be able to be earned again after the update.

    On a final note regarding the EULA update, we will have a sale on all items that will be affected by the update.

    Thank you for your ongoing support of HavocMC, and be sure to stay tuned for more updates, as we will be releasing more specific details about what changes will occur throughout the following weeks.

    Mine Wars and Havoc Horizons
    Unfortunately, many of our planned updates had to be delayed due to the EULA changes taking priority. However, major updates for both Havoc Horizons and Mine Wars are still being worked on, and I think it is safe to expect these updates to be released sometime this spring. For now, here are a few screenshots of these updates to hold you over.






    Im looking forward for this update!