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  • New Map & Reset

    What is your opinion on this update?

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    Katitude Katitude
    That are banned for a reason, we wouldn't reset a ban for someone who released staff's Skype, ban evaded numerous times, hacked countless times etc. (Hoping someone will change the subject from this :))


    New member
    I know that some people are really bad, and have bad intentions. But there are some people who had bad intentions, but don't anymore. If people who want a second chance, and didn't do something really bad, they should get a second chance. If someone was hacking, if they want give them a second chance now. I mean the server reset so there nothing that they would have to use. I know if someone ban evades multiple times, and knows that there doing it and is trying to hack. They stay banned. People who hacked maybe once, and want a second chance, I say give them one. If staff would think of this, or atleast consider it I would appreciate it.
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    How about having a week (24 hour or 2 hour window) special where we can buy Inifinite!! I do love the idea of reset!
    I have a feeling a LOT of players would jump at that opportunity, and I don't think that would make the game any more balanced.


    drewey09 drewey09
    I have a feeling a LOT of players would jump at that opportunity, and I don't think that would make the game any more balanced.

    Yeah how about no, I'm not trying to be rude or anything but this would cause mass market inflation and they would essentially have to remove infinite. The reason for this is because if this event happened at least 1000 people would have infinite. That being said there would be such a massive amount of players with infinite that everything would be worthless, because everything would be given out for free.


    LillyAnna LillyAnna
    So I spent a sick amount of money since the end of September up until last week when I finally won infinite money. I have almost 6 million dollars...that should tell you how many crates I've bought. Im going to lose all my money that I JUST got. I got like 2 mill in the past month. :( Also, my whole enderchests-----Ive bought/collected over 30 motorcycles and they will all be gone? This is going to hit me really hard.

    I get why you would do a reset, but dang it really screws me over- esp. the real life money I just threw down the drain last month. :(


    New member
    This is honestly really unfair. You guys keep stating that you will fix and remove the circulation of duped gear by resetting, but by no means is that a solution. All you guys are doing is delaying an issue which will just keep re-occuring and so on. To fix the issue of duping you need to find a way to stop it at the source, and not keep resetting maps because that will just make players who worked hard to get their items pissed. You mention this will give players a "fair chance" to earn items such as jug, but by all means how is that fair when players who have duped from the last update will continue to do it if their not already banned. Personally this doesn't really affect me much since all i'm gonna be losing are one to two sets of jugg, but it will affect my friends since they payed before the given date on crates and will practically have lost their money along with their items for practically nothing.

    Apart from that little rant, congrats on the new map! I'm looking forward to playing on it and using the new kits such as Ezekiel etc..


    _Nickk _Nickk
    So I spent a sick amount of money since the end of September up until last week when I finally won infinite money. I have almost 6 million dollars...that should tell you how many crates I've bought. Im going to lose all my money that I JUST got. I got like 2 mill in the past month. :( Also, my whole enderchests-----Ive bought/collected over 30 motorcycles and they will all be gone? This is going to hit me really hard.

    I get why you would do a reset, but dang it really screws me over- esp. the real life money I just threw down the drain last month. :(
    You can email contact@havocmc.net.

    This is honestly really unfair. You guys keep stating that you will fix and remove the circulation of duped gear by resetting, but by no means is that a solution. All you guys are doing is delaying an issue which will just keep re-occuring and so on. To fix the issue of duping you need to find a way to stop it at the source, and not keep resetting maps because that will just make players who worked hard to get their items pissed. You mention this will give players a "fair chance" to earn items such as jug, but by all means how is that fair when players who have duped from the last update will continue to do it if their not already banned. Personally this doesn't really affect me much since all i'm gonna be losing are one to two sets of jugg, but it will affect my friends since they payed before the given date on crates and will practically have lost their money along with their items for practically nothing.

    Apart from that little rant, congrats on the new map! I'm looking forward to playing on it and using the new kits such as Ezekiel etc..
    We have fixed all the duping glitches we have ever found, but we can't fix them at their source if when they arise they have new sources.
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    It's an eye lol, but I suppose from that angle it does look like a ring
    Oh... well, still... XD

    Can't wait for the next update! You guys really have been working your tails off on this, the beauty of all these structures and the details really show it! :D


    New member
    Eh are you a ******? Yes it would, why dont you try to spend 200$ plus on this server and they just scam the **** out of you? Try that and then speak, until then stfu
    You are not spending, you are "Donating", meaning they can take your money and do whatever the hell they want. They can take away your rank and give you nothing and you couldn't stop them. Be grateful they are refunding what they are.

    Enough already. This happens to every server that resets. The initial "oh im gonna quit" panic dies off after the game actually resets and most of the players who did quit come back.
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